You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held in the
      Folk Hall on 18 October, 2021.  Business will commence at 19.00 hours.  To ensure
      space in the meeting room, members of the public who wish to attend should contact
      the Clerk prior to the meeting.


      1       Notices of the meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving Reasons for     
      2       To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda
      3       To Receive Reports on Police Matters
               A Consideration of a Further  Meeting Relating to Anti-Social Behaviour
               B Confirmation of Lighting/CCTV Provision Near the MUGA
      4       To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 September, 2021
      5       Membership of the Council - Co-option to Casual Vacancies
      6       Amendments to Bank Signatories and Committee Membership
      7       To Consider Any Matters Arising From the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
               A Concerns Raised by Residents Over Outstanding JRHT Housing Repairs
               B  Leeds Airport Consultation Report
               C Footpath Queries Relating to Access to the Sports Club Field
     8        To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other Than That
               Circulated for Information
               A  New Earswick Sports Club – Appreciation of Grant Support
               B  COYC – Responsibility for Repair of Stile Near the Churchyard
     9        Maintenance of Bus Shelters and/or Replacement of Shelter at Station
    10       Planning Consultations
               21/02125/TCA – 22 Rowan Avenue, New Earswick YO32 4AT
               Fell 1 No Cypress Tree in a Conservation Area
    11       To Consider the Annual Donation to the Royal British Legion (Section 137)
               (Noting Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday)


















       12     Update on Zoom Meeting Relating to the Proposed Improvements to the
                Outer Ring Road

       13     To Approve the Payments Listed Below and Receipt of the Second 
                Precept Payment of £14000.00 on 29.9.21
                A  JR Foundation (Room Hire)                                              760.30 (21.9.21)
                B  New Earswick Sports Club (Section 137)                       1900.00 (21.9.21)
                C  Friends of New Earswick Swimming Pool             
                (Section 137)                                                                        1000.00 (21.9.21)
                D  Autela Payroll                                                                      50.40 (4.10.21)
                E  Petty Cash                                                                           50.00
                F  Salary (October)                                                                662.05


       14     Items for the Next Meeting



       Signed ____________________________  Clerk 11 October 2021























Sally Bruckshaw

Clerk to the Parish Council

The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York YO32 4AQ

Telephone 07391 665639